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Effective anomaly detection in the steel mill:

AI training with ibaPDA and ibaHD server

The timely detection of faults and anomalies plays an important role in the production of steel. Particularly in the cold rolling of steel sheets, faults and unplanned interruptions can lead to strip breaks, which are associated with high downtimes and costs. In practice, however, it can be extremely difficult to detect a strip breakage in good time and diagnose its cause.
The prerequisite for detecting these faults at an early stage is the reliable and continuous recording and analysis of process data. To do this, process data such as voltage, current or torque must be recorded, evaluated and interpreted in high resolution. However, the amount of data generated during steel strip production is immense. In order to automate the analysis process and keep pace with the constantly increasing requirements, a steel manufacturer is relying on an innovative approach with artificial intelligence. A machine learning solution from time series AI provider Falkonry is trained with historical process data and ongoing production is monitored online using the model to detect signs of a strip break in good time. The iba system provided easy access to the needed high-resolution data for their AI model.

Business Benefits

Fast detection
of process deviations

of product quality

of unplanned downtimes

The Technology

With ibaPDA, the data generated throughout the entire process is recorded seamlessly at high frequency. This data is then written to the ibaHD historian server and stored long-term, forming the basis for training the model. The artificial intelligence thus has comprehensive information about past production cycles, the associated process data and specific events.  Through the analysis, the AI learns to recognize patterns and be prepared for potential deviations. This enables the steel producer to make precise and reliable predictions and react to anomalies, preventing costly strip breaks, minimizing downtime and increasing overall production efficiency.

"With high-resolution data from the iba system, artificial intelligence can be reliably trained. This ensures an improvement in product quality and availability."

Nick Maes
Sales Engineer,
iba Benelux BV

iba Products

Measuring value acquisition - ibaPDA

Центральным компонентом системы iba является ibaPDA, за многие годы использования она зарекомендовала себя одной из самых многофункциональных систем для сбора измеренных данных для производства и техобслуживания. Архитектура клиент-сервер, гибкая запись данных и простое конфигурирование с функцией автораспознавания - это только малая часть преимуществ baPDA.

Historical data - ibaHD-Server

Сервер исторических данных (Historical Data -HD) помогает быстро найти события из прошлого, в том числе и для непрерывных и длительных процессов. Функция приближения позволяет всего одним щелчком мыши быстро перейти из обзора данных за год, месяц или неделю к диапазону в несколько миллисекунд.

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